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2024 18+ and 40+ State Results!

Paramount Westlake, the gentlemen of the 3.0 courts ... OF 3.0 VICTORY!

Congrats to the Champions of the State of O-H-I-O, two newbies when it comes to trophy hoisting but now, thanks to their 3.0 play, two clubs of legendary 3.0 status!

So a mighty golf clap for the 3.0 champions of O-H-I-O, Wickertree and Paramount Westlake! Read on to find out how they accomplished said championships and bask in their 3.0 glory all the while pondering how Rock n' Roll Hall of 3.0 Famer James Taylor played a key role in this year's State Championships!

(click links below to access amazing information regarding said links)

18+ Results

The three corners of 3.0 Ohio play - NWO, OHVA, and NEO - in all their 3.0 glory!

A star-studded field entered the pristine courts of Mayfield Village Racquet Club with many a question ready to be asked. Would Paramount be able to double their victories as they had two teams entered? Would Hall of 3.0 Famer Captain James lead his SVHS team to another comeback victory like he did last week at NWO Districts? Or would up-and-comer Wickertree, representing Ohio Valley, win the 3.0 day?

An actual picture of D.F.O. Hall of 3.0 Famer Jim, proving that one must always - always! - be properly* hydrated to perform at their best!

As it turned out, Ohio Valley would have to wait as the hometeam, NEO's Paramount Westlake, would take on NWO's rough-and-tumble SVHS, a club so rough-and-3.0-tumble they didn't play at a club ... they played at the mean streets of a local NWO high school! Knowing he had to send out his best for the opening Saturday morning match, NEO's Captain Ryan sent out ... HIMSELF! And a wise decision it was, as he and star Andy swept the singles courts versus veteran singles player Paul to get off to a strong 2-0 start. NWO's Captain James, though, had undefeated Ramesh and Norbert at doubles, and the pair did what they do - win! - to get SVHS back in the match! Thus, Captain James called upon fellow Hall of 3.0 Famer Jim, he of over 100 wins and over 100 wins at doubles! Jim and Ajay dominated the second set to force a THIRD SET SUPER TIEBREAKER but veteran Doug was able to fend off a furious finish to eek out a THIRD SET SUPER TIEBREAK win to not only take down one of the best of the 3.0 best, but to also seal the 3.0 deal for his club!

Thus, down 0-1 and needing a big win, Captain James of NWO rallied his 3.0 troops, which wasn't too difficult to do as they had to play the very same day! WHOA! What marathon men of 3.0 tennis! Opposing them were the newbies of the 3.0 world, Columbus based Wickertree, attempting to become the first Ohio Valley based 3.0 club since 2015 and the first Columbus-based 3.0 club to ever - ever! - take home a State Championship! WHAT PRESSURE!

Wickertree's secret 3.0 weapon, James Taylor, seen here post-match with his unique 3.0 tennis guitar...

Which they didn't feel at all! OHVA's Captain Rami led off with Christopher and Travis at singles and got off to a quick 2-0 lead as a valiant, but tired, Daniel and Paul gave it their 3.0 all. Captain James, though, had his not-so-secret weapon, the legendary Jim, but Captain Rami countered with ... James Taylor? YES, THE JAMES TAYLOR (we assume)! Caught off guard and no doubt star-struck, Jim and Ajay fell to the musically inclined tennis skills of the six-time Grammy award winner and just like that Columbus was one team win away from 3.0 history!

That history making match would take place early Sunday morning, and once again Christopher would get off to a fast start in singles but NEO's Andy, one of the top players in all of NEO, would even the team score with a brilliant THIRD SET SUPER TIEBREAK win! At first doubles, Columbus once again went with the Rock n' Roll Hall of Famer (a slightly lesser known Hall of Fame than the D.F.O. Hall of 3.0 Fame), and James Taylor sung his way to a doubles victory over veteran John, who no doubt enjoyed the famed encounter despite the court result! Thus, needing but one court to take home an historic victory, Captain Rami called upon himself, and despite a spirited match versus Paramount veterans Mark and Doug, he was able to take the court and thus the match!

Wickertree and Captain Rami, making Columbus, OHVA, and 3.0 history!

And just like that, 3.0 history was made! For the first time ever - ever! - a Columbus based team took the State Championship! Congrats to Wickertree and their famous singer-songwriter-tennis player crew!

40+ Results

Paramount Westlake, representing NEO, took on BGSU, representing NWO, Friday morning to open the State Championship festivities! Paramount Captain John opened the scoring with Michael at singles, earning a straight set victory to get NEO on the board and then kept the 3.0 ball (a tennis ball, perhaps?!) rolling by putting out one of the top doubles teams in all of O-H-I-O, and D.F.O. Doubles Team of the Year candidates, Ken and Luke at 1st Doubles. The tag team tandem, undefeated in league and in playoff play, continued their torrid streak, winning in straight sets over one of the top 3.0ers in NWO, Mark, to get their 12th win together! More importantly, this put Paramount one court win away from clinching their first State Championship, but at this point BGSU countered with Jim, one of the top doubles players around, and just like that BGSU and NWO were back in the game!

Paramount Westlake's first every State Championship, making them the most - wait for it - PARAMOUNT of all the Paramount locations (take THAT, Paramount Medina!)...

With the team's confidence teetering, Captain John knew he had to lead by example, and with the aid of veteran Doug, he did just that, leading his court to an opening set win at 3rd Doubles! But Timothy wouldn't go quietly, and forced overtime in the second to give his BGSU a chance at NWO glory! Captain John, though, steadied his nerves and in a second set overtime, delivered a clutch performance to not only win his court, but clinch the State Championship - a first ever, by the way! - for his beloved Paramount Westlake!

What's Next?

Congratulations to all the State Championship participants and especially Wickertree and Paramount for hoisting State Championship banners! So what's next for these champions of the 3.0 courts? And what's next for the rest of us ... who are also champions of our 3.0 hearts?!

The final 3.0. tournament on the 3.0 tour, who will take home the final 3.0 tournament title?!

Tournament Play

GOC - August 23-24

The final 3.0 tournament of the 3.0 tour (oh, there's a tour alright!) takes place with the Green Open Championships, one last chance for some 3.0 tournament champs to repeat their success or a chance for vice-champions to step atop the 3.0 podium!

Playoff Play - Midwest Sectional Championships

18+ Playoffs - August 16-18

40+ Playoffs - August 23-25

55+ Playoffs - September 20-22

65+ Playoffs - November 22-24

Taking place in tropical Indiana in the even more tropical Indianapolis area, Wickertree's dream season looks to continue as they represent Ohio at the Midwest Sectional Championships. A week later, Paramount Westlake will head to Indiana for their first ever Sectional birth as well!

In late September, Captain Robert's North Ridge will attempt to continue their 55+ run while Captain William's Paramount will look to do the same in the 65+ division!

League Play

One-Singles - September 20 - November 24

Fusion Doubles - September 20 - November 24

Two new leagues will take place this fall, a singles league that will see a variety of 3.0ers attempt to become the first ever champion of this first ever league, as well as a fusion doubles league that will consist of three doubles courts - male, female, and mixed!

NTRP Rating's Updates

Ratings Review - First Week of December (TBA)

And of course there's the final weekend of the USTA season, the USTA and it's super computer in New York reveal the new updated NTRP ratings in which everyone finds out who has been promoted, demoted, or stayed the same. OH THE PRESSURE!

D.F.O. Player of the Year & Hall of 3.0 Fame Announcements

PotY & Hall Reveal - Third Week of December (TBA)

And of course there's the most magical time of all, just in time for the holiday season, when we here at D.F.O. reveal the biggest award show of all time. Who will get win the season awards? Who will win the award of a lifetime?! OF A LIFETIME!

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