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2021 Green Open Championships!

Updated: Aug 1, 2023

George, Matthew, and Rex all crowned GOC Champions!

George, the 2021 GOC singles Champion!

The second longest running 3.0 tournament currently in existence, the Green Open Championships came to an (overhead) smashing end as three 3.0ers successfully visited the championship courts for the first time in their 3.0 careers! How did it go down? Find out here!

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Singles - Day One

Chip d. Richard - 6-2, 6-3

Chip, behind the steel cage that is 3.0 tennis!

On day one, the top half of the bracket was loaded with rookies with one exception, the long-time veteran Chip! And his veteran skills made an immediate impact as this three-time GOC participant got started early, and with his veteran moxy, Chip won the day over 3.0 rookie Richard, giving the hometown boy yet another GOC victory to add to his illustrious GOC career!

Jacob d. Ken - 6-1, 6-4

On the same side of the bracket, in a battle of 3.0 newbies, Jacob enjoyed a strong start and was able to withstand a late charge from fellow rookie Ken to advance to his first ever 3.0 Final Four!

Nicholas d. Benjamin - 6-2, 3-6, 10-6

The bottom half of the bracket was loaded with 3.0 veterans, and tournament veterans at that! The marquee matchup was no doubt Nicholas versus Benjamin in a rematch of the final regular season

Benjamin, all power ... ALL THE TIME!

league match ... of the regular season! Nicholas came out strong, but Benjamin's now well-known power and svelte movement immediately countered, pushing the made-for-tv (come on ESPN!) match to a match-deciding SUPER TIE-BREAK! In the SUPER TIE-BREAK, Nicholas was able to take advantage of Benjamin's depleted endurance, as the Akron Open runner-up had entered himself in not one, not two, but THREE different events this tournament, possibly stretching his endurance levels to their max, and in a 10-6 nail biter, Nicholas was able to enjoy not only his first tournament win ever, but a win against one of the most experienced tournament 3.0ers in recent 3.0 history!

George d. Bo - 6-2, 6-4

The final match of the open round saw another 3.0 tournament veteran, George, take on 3.0 rookie Bo, and while Bo battled back in the second, the veteran skills of one of the best all-around players of 2021 showed their way, and George advanced to a GOC Final Four for the first time in his illustrious 3.0 career!

Doubles - Day One

Matthew/Rex d. Rob/Richard - 6-0, 6-0

Matthew and Rex, one of the best doubles tandems of 2021, took on veteran Rob and rookie Richard in the opening match of the 3.0 doubles event, and while Rob worked to tutor his young steward in the skills of 3.0 doubles play, the combined power and skill of two of the best rookies of 2021 proved too much, though no doubt Richard earned valuable 3.0 experience!

Sebastian/Leon d. David/T - 6-2, 6-1

Sebastian and Leon, coming off several league and tournament matches together, faced off versus veterans David and T in one of the most experienced opening doubles 3.0 matches of the entire event - the entire event! In the end, the tournament experience of Sebastian and Leon won the day, meaning they would advance to their first ever final ... ever!

Singles - Day Two

Consolation Round

Benjamin d. Bo - 6-1, 6-1

Benjamin, no doubt tiring from his epic marathon tournament schedule, pulled himself together as he entered the Consolation Bracket, looking for his first ever Consolation Title! Newcomer Bo put up a strong effort, but against the possessed and determined Benjamin, no 3.0er would be able to withstand his foray of forehands and strong serves on this day!

Ken d. Richard - 6-2, 6-3

Two 3.0 rookies faced off in an evenly balanced match in the hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot midday sun, and on this day, it was Ken who was able to withstand not just his opponent, but the oppressive heat, to advance to his first ever consolation title match!

Consolation Final

Benjamin d. Ken - Def [rfsl]

This may be a picture from a different time, but the results are the same - Benjamin picking up even more 3.0 hardware!

Unfortunately for Ken, the heat of the day and the stress of his previous match and the legend of his upcoming opponent proved too much, and he had to bow out after a fine tournament run. That being said, the assembled crowd cheered for Benjamin, who with his victory (and it is an official victory according to the USTA!), enjoyed his first ever 3.0 singles Consolation Title!

Championship Round

Jacob d. Chip - 6-0, 6-2

Knowing he had to get out to a fast start versus the hometown favorite, 3.0 newbie Jacob did just that, running off to a quick lead to silence the Green crowds. Without the raucous crowd support behind him, the fiery Chip struggled, though he did get back in the match during the second. Jacob, though, had the momentum, and said momentum took him to his first ever 3.0 championship match!

George d. Nicholas - 6-4, 2-6, 10-3

In the bottom half of the bracket, it was a classic contrast of tournament experience - in George - versus raw 3.0 ability - in Nicholas. George, the 3.0 veteran he is, knew he had to get out to a quick start, especially as his opponent had endured a marathon three-set SUPER TIE-BREAK just the day before in the blazing Uniontown sun. Doing just that, George methodically worked his way into the first set, and when the opening occurred, sprung like a giant tennis rabbit through the opening hole (this is a terrible metaphor)! Nicholas, though, knowing he was close to his first ever championship match, didn't cave in, and showed the spirit that will no doubt lead to much future success during his career. George, though, no stranger to tight matches, was able to withstand Nicholas' counter attack, and once in the SUPER TIE-BREAK, was once again able to methodically utilize his combination of all-court play to run out to an early and commanding lead to qualify for his first ever championship final!

Championship Final - Singles

George d. Jacob - 6-3, Ret [inj]

In the highly anticipated 3.0 final, veteran George took on rookie Jacob. George not only enjoyed vast veteran tournament experience, but enjoyed a bit of reprieve as well, as he had played earlier in the morning whereas Jacob had to immediately turn around after his semi-final match to walk - or limp - upon the championship courts. But walk he did, as Jacob gave all he had in order to live the dream of bringing home a championship in his first ever attempt! Back and forth the first set went, but when the points mattered the most, it was the tournament tested George who was able to capitalize, and capitalize he did to the tune of a first set victory! Exhausted, both emotionally and physically after such a trying tournament, Jacob was forced to wave the white tennis towel and concede the match. But those in attendance gave Jacob applause for his efforts, as in his firs ever attempt, he made a fairy tale run the likes of which fairy tales are made of! Meanwhile, the assembled crowd cheered on their champion, as George hoisted the GOC Championship plaque, his first ever 3.0 tournament title!

Doubles - Day Two

Consolation Round

David/T d. Richard/Rob - 6-1, 6-2

In the 3.0 doubles consolation title match, veterans David and T squared off versus veteran Rob and rookie Richard, and on a blazing hot day in the blazing hot sun, it was the veteran skills of David and T that were able to ably put away their opponents. Using their experience together, their experience on these very courts, and their experience in this tournament, David and T were able to walk away with their first ever Consolation Title ... ever!

Championship Final - Doubles

Matthew/Rex d. Sebastian/Leon - 6-4, 6-4

Sebastian and Leon, Vice-Champions of the GOC!

Taking place a high-noon like western tennis matches of old, tournament rookies Matthew and Rex faced off versus the tournament tested duo of Sebastian and Leon. Making this match all the more rich is that both sets of teams were actually ... teammates! That's right, North Canton was solely represented in this event as all four players were, during league season, on the same squad! Knowing one another's games so well no doubt help explains how close this match turned out to be, as Sebastian's slice and dice, combined with Leon's powerful strokes, went head-to-head with Matthew's power and Rex's power ... meaning ... DOUBLE THE POWER! As both teams had played as tandem's multiple times, experience was nary a factory in this back and forth tense affair! In the end, the youth of Matthew and Rex were able to withstand the tournament experience of their opponents, an advantage especially important on a day as hot and muggy and humid - and did we mention hot? - as this one! In the end, despite a very spirited effort from the North Canton duo, it would be the North Canton duo (uh ... huh?) that would emerge victorious, proudly holding their championship plaques for all to see as they enjoyed their first ever tournament victory ... in their first ever tournament attempt!

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